What We Teach At Providence Community Church

The Bible is the only plenary inspired, infallible, inerrant in the original documents,
message of God to mankind.
Moved by the Holy Spirit, men recorded the very words of God using their
personalities and experiences to reveal Himself and His plan for the ages.
The interpretation is literal and historical and affirms the Genesis account of an
actual six days of creation.
There is one interpretation of Holy Scripture, although there may be several
applications. Believers, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, are responsible to
ascertain the true intent as they study to show themselves approved.
The Bible is the final authority in life and never to be judged by men.
2 Peter 1:20-21 1 Thess. 2:13 1 Cor. 2;13 2 Tim 3:16 Ex. 31:17 John 16:12-13
John 17:17 1 Cor. 2:13


There is one true and living God who is self-existent and the Creator of all things.
He is one God existing in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
He is the absolute Sovereign over all of creation. In mercy and grace, He
providentially presides over the affairs of man and in redemption.
Gen. 1:1 Is. 45:5-6 Ps. 103:19


Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the incarnation of God by means of the virgin birth.
His death on the cross was the substitutionary atonement for sin. He literally and
bodily rose from the dead and now intercedes for the saints before the Father in
heaven. He will personally return to the earth at the end of this age.
John 10:30 Col 1:15-17 Phil. 2:5-8 Rom. 5:8


The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead. He convicts man of sin,
regenerates, baptizes, indwells, seals, and sets apart believers unto a holy life; He
keeps and empowers believers day by day in the process of sanctification of the
believer. He is the Teacher of the Word of God, our Comforter and guide for daily
John 16:13 John 16: 7-9 Gal. 5:22-26 Eph. 1:13


Man was created by God, in His image and in His likeness. He was created perfect
and free from sin. His purpose in creation was to glorify God, fellowship with God,
and carry out the will of God on the earth. By Adam’s sin of disobedience, he lost his
innocence, was separated from God, and incurred the penalty for sin which is death.
Through Adam, all men are born corrupt and without the ability to choose
righteousness. They are sinners by nature and by choice.
Gen. 2:15-25 Is. 43:7


Salvation is wholly of God by His grace. It is on the basis of the work of redemption
by Jesus Christ on the cross, taking the punishment for our sin, and not on the basis
of any works or human worthiness.
Election is the act of God by which, before the foundation of the world, He chose in
Christ those whom He graciously regenerates, saves, and sanctifies.
The Sovereign election of God does not nullify the responsibility of man to repent of
his sins and by faith acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord.
Those who are in Christ are kept by God’s power and are eternally secure in Him.
True salvation will be manifested by a changed life. Eph. 2:8-10 Eph. 1:4-11 Titus 3:5
John 5:24 2 Thess 2:13 2 Tim. 2:10 Rev. 22:17 Ezk. 33:11


The church is the spiritual body of Christ. He is the head and the members are gifted
by God to carry out the ministries of the church much like the body carries out the
wishes of the mind. The purpose of the church is for the equipping of the saints for
the work of those ministries. The Church exists both locally and universally. There
are two ordinances of the local church which we observe in obedience to Christ.
Baptism is a symbolic act representing the death, burial, and resurrection of the
believer in Jesus Christ by immersion of the believer in water following salvation.
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic and sacred memorial of the atoning death of Christ
which we regularly observe ”... until He comes.”
1 Cor. 12:12-13 Eph. 1:22 Eph. 4:12-16 1 Cor. 11:28-32 Acts 8:36-39


Marriage was instituted by God at creation and defined in Scripture as being
between one man and one woman. Sexual relationships outside of marriage and
this definition constitute sexual immorality and therefore is a sin. This includes
adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, pornography, poly relationships,
bestiality, pedophilia, and efforts to alter one’s biological gender.

Regardless of one’s sinful behavior and patterns, they are to be treated with
compassion, love, respect and dignity. Hateful attitudes and behavior toward any
individual is disapproved and condemned in Scripture. Instructing others on the
scriptural condemnation of sexual sins does not constitute hate speech but is the
responsibility of the church in the world to lovingly call sinners to repentance. God
offers full forgiveness and redemption for anyone who repents of sin, including
sexual sins, and places their trust in Him for salvation.
Gen. 2:18-24 Heb 13:4 Rom. 1:26-29 1 John 1:9


The imminent, bodily return of Jesus to rapture believers from the earth will occur
and the seven year tribulation will begin. Following the Great Tribulation, during
which time the earth and inhabitants will fall under the wrath of God, Satan will be
bound and Christ will return with the resurrected saints to establish His reign on
the earth for one thousand years. At the close of one thousand years, Satan will be
released for a season to deceive and do battle against the nations. He will then be
thrown into the lake of fire at which time unbelievers will be judged at the Great
White Throne Judgment and condemned to eternal, conscious punishment in the
lake of fire. Then heaven and earth will be destroyed, and the saved will enter an
eternal state of glory with God in the new heaven and new earth.
There the triune God will reign as the saints live in blissful fellowship and worship
Him forever and ever.
1 Thess. 4:13-17 John 14:1-3 Rev. 20:11-15 Rev. 20-21