Young Youth

Kids ages 11-15

We understand that as kids grow up, their maturity level surpasses that of the younger Kid’s Night kids. With that in mind, we are so excited to tell you about Excite! Plus! This division of Excite! is especially designed for kids ages 11-15 with the idea of teaching and serving and playing games on their level! We still do a lot of the same fun things as the younger ones, just with them in mind! We are excited to not only make them Bible whiz kids but also help them uncover the secrets that will help them grow strong in Jesus. Our prayer is that they will learn to love the Bible and want to know and love the Lord more and more. So come join us! There is a great adventure awaiting you and like any adventure, you want to be ready for it! Will you join us on that adventure? 

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Excite! Plus! 

Once a month, on the first Friday night of the month, we gather these special kids together and explore the Bible and what it means to practically live out the Christian life together!